We can, literally, come back to our senses through deeper contact with nature. As human animals, we are hard-wired by evolution to be highly tuned in to the world around us through taste, touch, hearing, smell and sight. And not so long ago, we lived in deep connection with nature by being fully present in our sensory experience.
In modern life, too much screen time or a busy day can feel like an assault on our senses. Sometimes, our lives are so full of distractions and demands that we shut down in order to cope. We get used to being on autopilot, and so we get stuck in “doing” mode. As a result, our nervous system can have a hard time regulating itself.
How can I reset in nature when I’m stressed?
Have you found that when you try to slow down, your mind is still galloping ahead? Tuning into back into all of your senses when you feel safe in nature is a great reset for the your nervous system. You can intentionally make time in a quiet place, slow down, and then employ a ritual to notice nature. This can ground you, calm you, and bring you alive again. And it’s something you can do each time you’re caught up in worries or stress.
Why learn how to do your own reset?
Switching back into a receptive way of being open to nature’s healing and soothing power takes practice. In our NatureWell workshops, we’ll show you different ways to let nature to soothe and support you, and we’ll practice these techniques together. We’ll also discuss how to apply them in your everyday life to support your continued journey to deeper nature connection – and a calmer, happier life.
Photo by Celeste Horrocks on Unsplash.