Taith Greadigol i Grwydro a Rhyfeddu / Creative Wander and Wonder
Walk & Workshop

Taith Greadigol i Grwydro a Rhyfeddu / Creative Wander and Wonder

Day 1:
July 10, 2024, 09:40 to 00:00
Day 2:
June 10, 2024, 00:00 to 13:00

(English below)

Bore i grwydro efo'n gilydd a chysylltu efo natur ac ysbryd y llecyn arbennig yma. Cewch eich cefnogi i greu llyfryn bach artistig personol o liwiau, darluniau, gweadau a geiriau wedi eu hysbrydoli gan Ynys Tysilio. Caroline a Mia o'Guided By Nature bydd yn eich tywys. Mae nhw’n cynnig gweithdai a theithiau cerdded creadigol, eco-therapiwtig llesol ar hyd Gogledd Cymru. Dewch i fwynhau, profiad ddim yn anghenrheidiol!

Cofiwch wisgo dillad ac esgidiau addas i'r tywydd a dewch a diod oer/neu flasg a bwyd fel y mynwch. Dewch ag ambarél hefyd. Cyfarfod yn maes parcio Coed Cyrnol am 9.40 y bore, Porthaethwy LL59 5EA.

A morning to wander together, and to connect with the nature and the spirit of this special place. You will be supported to create your own little handmade artistic book of colours, images, textures and words inspired by Ynys Tysillo. You will be facilitated by Caroline and Mia from 'Guided By Nature', who offer creative and eco-therapeutic walks and workshops for wellbeing across North Wales. Come and enjoy, no experience necessary!

Please wear appropriate clothes for the weather and walking shoes/boots. Bring your own cold drink and/or flask, as well as snacks. Please bring an umbrella as well. Meet us at 9.40am at the Coed Cyrnol Car Park, Menai Bridge LL59 5EA.

This event will be in Cymraeg and English. 

Llun / photo credit Nia Evans. Diolch!

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