Ants on a branch at night

Tuning into nature through the five NatureWell pathways

NatureWell is an intentional, step-by-step way to bridge the gap that has grown between humans and the rest of the living earth. The modern world can cause us to lose our way and find ourselves busy with the necessities of day-to-day life. It can make us forget how time just being with the natural world is a fundamental part of who we are and essential to our wholeness and wellbeing. As part of nature, we can reengage in a positive, reciprocal way that helps us and the rest of nature. By exploring the five NatureWell pathways with us, you can deepen back into your natural connection with the living world.

A journey through the five NatureWell pathways

To begin with, we literally come back to our senses by making contact with nature. As human animals, we relish being highly tuned in through taste, touch, hearing and smell as well as sight. This is our gateway to the more-than-human world.

We then tune into nature through beauty as a profound and moving way to come closer to and take pleasure in sensual the world around us.

 Sensual beauty offers a gateway to our feelings and emotions. Our sadness, our joy, our fear and our pain all have their place. When these are held within nature, we can fully experience how we feel, without judgment.

Knowing that just by being alive we are prone to uncertainties and strife, we can learn to be compassionate with ourselves, with others and with all the beings in the living world.

The last pathway, meaning, helps us understand that we are part of a huge, interconnected web and governed by forces that are bigger than ourselves. In this way, we find a sense of belonging and purpose.

The NatureWell pathways in everyday life

The NatureWell approach is designed so that we can integrate these five pathways into our lives as an ongoing practice. In this way, it continues to nourish us and strengthen our friendship with nature.

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