Hand gently holding bilberries

Introducing our NatureWell 2024 programme

The NatureWell approach is unique in supporting both people and nature to recover and flourish together. Developed by The Natural Academy, it is based on research by Derby University that explored how we can go beyond outdoor recreation to create a more nourishing relationship with nature. The findings showed that we can develop a deep and meaningful friendship with the natural world which supports us in feeling well and whole, and encourages us to care for all our friends in the natural world. It is possible to return to the closeness we used to have with our ‘kin’ throughout the living world, just like the bond we now have with our human friends and family. NatureWell helps us bring back to life the bond that we all have with the wider natural world. This allows us to find peace and rest, but also joy and aliveness. 

Rekindling our love of nature

Biophilia is a love of living things and nature. It is the belief humans are born with an affinity for other forms of life and the desire to commune with nature. Often our busy lives and the many distractions we cope with mean that we forget to nurture the bond that is always calling for us to return to the natural world. NatureWell is a way to intentionally dive back in and immerse ourselves in deep connection and joyful primal relationship with the living world around us.  

Tuning back in together

Caroline and Mia are NatureWell facilitators trained by the Natural Academy to support and inspire people to come back home to their ancient roots in the natural and living world. On our NatureWell 2024 programme, we’ll journey together along the five pathways using our senses, our love of beauty, our emotions, our compassion, and our yearning for meaning.  As the sessions unfold, you will experience a deeper level of relaxation, a restoration to your whole and well self, and a renewed sense of vitality with which to meet everyday life.

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